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How Resistance Pilates Can Help Improve Your Balance
If you find it difficult to stay balanced during your daily activities and experience instability when walking or standing for extended periods, you're not alone. However, there's good news—Resistance Pilates can be extremely beneficial in enhancing your balance and stability.    
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Why Fitness Challenges Work
 Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exciting and challenging. It requires dedication, motivation, and a clear roadmap toward achieving your goals. One effective way to supercharge your fitness endeavors is through participating in fitness challenges. Did you know...
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Weight Loss & Resistance Pilates
At Corefirst, we choose not to focus on the weight loss aspect of resistance Pilates because this is the very last thing we should be thinking about when it comes to fitness and overall health. This topic often revolves around aesthetics and has extrinsic motivations attached to it that don’t normally translate into the success of long-term goals. By focusing holistically on improving your mobility, strength, mentality, endurance, and cardiovascular health, this will come naturally. And to us, those things give a lot more well-rounded benefits than just focusing on losing a few pesky pounds, right?
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Why We Give Up: The Psychology of Fitness and Working Out

Starting a new fitness program can be a daunting task, but the benefits of regular exercise are well-documented. Improved physical health, reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy, and a better overall sense of well-being are just a few of the benefits that come with regular exercise. However, despite our best intentions, many of us struggle to stick with a new fitness program for very long. Let’s explore the psychology of why we give up.

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Top Questions about Setting Up and Anchoring Your Corefirst
First of all, thank you so much for your investment in Corefirst and in yourself. We're so excited for you to see all the benefits Corefirst can provide. Let's dive into some of the top questions that are asked by our clients when it comes to anchoring and setting up your Corefirst.
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