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How Resistance Pilates Can Help Improve Your Balance
If you find it difficult to stay balanced during your daily activities and experience instability when walking or standing for extended periods, you're not alone. However, there's good news—Resistance Pilates can be extremely beneficial in enhancing your balance and stability.    
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The Core of It: The Role of the Core in Resistance Pilates
Our Corefirst classes are taught by Professional Pilates instructors and specifically target the deep core muscles and the added resistance stimulates muscle growth and strength development more effectively. Additionally, the multiple repetitions and holding positions that are featured in our classes work to build muscular endurance, enabling the muscles to sustain their contraction over longer durations. A strong core not only enhances resistance Pilates workouts but also benefits everyday activities and overall well-being.
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Weight Loss & Resistance Pilates
At Corefirst, we choose not to focus on the weight loss aspect of resistance Pilates because this is the very last thing we should be thinking about when it comes to fitness and overall health. This topic often revolves around aesthetics and has extrinsic motivations attached to it that don’t normally translate into the success of long-term goals. By focusing holistically on improving your mobility, strength, mentality, endurance, and cardiovascular health, this will come naturally. And to us, those things give a lot more well-rounded benefits than just focusing on losing a few pesky pounds, right?
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Resistance Pilates: A Smart Addition to Your Fitness Routine
Resistance Pilates is a form of exercise that utilizes resistance bands and other equipment to challenge the muscles and promote strength and flexibility. It is designed to assist you rather than work against you by making moves less intense, workouts more focused on incorporating multiple muscle groups harmoniously, and improving your level of safety in each move. Additionally, this form of Pilates gives a greater emphasis on moving slower for maximum benefits, thus helping you achieve your goals faster- with less effort! While Pilates can be a standalone workout, it can also be a great complement to other forms of exercise. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing folks!
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Breaking the Mold: Men and Corefirst Resistance Pilates
Gone are the days of strictly weightlifting and cardio for men's fitness routines. After years of society's narrow thinking when it comes to Pilates being just for women, today more and more men are breaking molds and stepping onto the mat to try their hand at resistance Pilates. With a steady rise in male participation rates, it seems that this once predominantly female-dominated exercise is now attracting an entirely new audience. Men are quickly turning to resistance Pilates as their go-to workout choice. Hold on tight gentlemen – you might just be surprised at what you've been missing out on all these years!
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